Fathers Day and Go10

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Yesterday was Day 57 of the Go10walk and I was honored to have my wife Julie and my daughters Karlee and Kassidy walk with us. My youngest daughter Klaire also helped me provide support while the walk was going through Nashville. My brother-in-law Craig and my niece Maddi Kate also helped out. Klaire and Maddi were so cute handing out gatorade and water to the walkers on what proved to be one of the hottest days of our walk. Julie completed her second 10 mile segment. Karlee and Kassidy proved to be extremely determined, focused, and fast walkers.

It was an incredible day - one I will remember for many reasons but mostly because of my wonderful family. God has truly blessed me as a husband and as a daddy! This truly is a special Fathers Day for this dad.


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Today while working on the Go10walk we came across a sign in the front of a guys yard that simply read “prayer” with an arrow pointing toward the backyard. I was riding in Jim’s car and we both wondered what was up with the sign. Why was it there? Why would someone put a prayer sign in their yard?

Within a few moments we had our answer because the person (John) who made the sign came out to see why a couple of guys in bright yellow shirts were parked on the highway in front of his house. Basically, this guy felt that God wanted him to set a place in his yard for people to come and pray. So, he put a canopy in his backyard and a sign out front. And, he said people stop by all the time asking what the sign means and many end up coming to the backyard to pray.

I took him up on it.

He also had a friend with him that he had met on a missions trip so they were very interested in our Go10 project. We prayed together and I was blessed incredibly!

I was impressed with many things but mostly with John’s willingness to obey God’s call to open his yard up for people to pray. Following Christ may not always make since and may even seem a bit out of the ordinary. May God give me the boldness to follow and answer His call just like John.