Drop your nets!

Monday, August 25, 2008

I was reading today in Mark chapter 1 when Jesus encountered Simon and Andrew by Lake Galilee.  Jesus basically challenges them to follow Him so that He can show them how to catch people.  I love their response!  They didn't ask how long - how far - how much - or anything else.  They simply dropped their nets and followed.  They dropped what was most important to them at the time and they turned their focus to Jesus and put their feet into motion.  

The longer I live the more I'm learning that I have a problem with picking up nets.  It seems like this whole net dropping thing can actually be a daily checkbox on my to do list.  Not that it's a bad thing to put down the nets and follow Jesus - I've never regretted it even one time. It's just that we get so easily distracted by things in life and loose our focus on Christ - things like sports, hobbies, money, relationships, naps, jobs, success, gadgets, being popular, being accepted, being noticed, etc.  These may not be bad in and of themselves but when they keep us from following Jesus- look out.

So, if my goal is to follow my Lord - I need to make sure that my hands are free of the nets and that my feet are following His footprints!  Life is short - and one day we will stand before our maker and answer for the crazy nets we held onto and the adventure we missed out on because our feet were stuck in the sand!