What are you practicing?

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The following video of Jordan McCabe is pretty cool. The kid has some serious basketball skills. What impressed me was the fact that his dad and grandfather both took the time to work with him on developing these skills. He was coached or discipled in the game and now it is paying off in his ability to play above just about every other kid his age.

My question to you is this; what are you practicing? If you are a parent or grandparent; who and what are you coaching?

Don't get me wrong. I love basketball. I'm seriously crazy about the game. I have coached and worked with my own children in this sport. I'm not knocking Jordan or his family in anyway. I'm just impressed by the fact that they took the time to work with him in this sport. And, if we can learn anything from this story maybe its that we are good at what we practice. So, what are you really working at? I would love to hear!