Things I'm reading

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I love to learn, especially from people who are on the cutting edge of ministry and leadership.  Here are some of the posts and sites that I have enjoyed this week;

  • I discovered a great church called Cross Point they are really making things happen in Nashville land – then I realized I had attended seminary with the pastor and we share the same last name – no relation as far as I know.  You can read his blog here; Pete Wilson.

  • Perry Noble is always one of my favorites!  He has a great post here.  His church is New Spring.  They are living my dream!!!  Reaching the lost for Christ and making the world a better place.

  • Jeff Myers gave us a great look into his life and ministry out in California.  Jeff and his family moved from Lebanon back in January to pastor this church.  Keep him in your prayers – I love this family and know that God is using them.

  • Lanny had a great post on life and death of a follower of Christ – it’s here.

  • I love to follow this Pastor’s Blog!  He is another guy that is hitting it out of the park for Jesus.  I would love to attend a church like this!

  • Here’s an incredible post on blogging.  It’s a must read.

  • I also follow this guy’s blog – he is genuine and simply loves Jesus.  He is also extremely honest and funny!  This post makes you think about the people in town that you are not reaching and why?

  • Tony Morgan is another favorite and helps keep me on the technology front and build my leadership skills.  Here he writes about Life Change – I’m addicted to seeing lives changed by Jesus!  I love this!

  • Just for fun – here is a site in which you can upload a picture of yourself and see what you would have looked like in school year books from various years – even 1968!  Pretty cool.

  • I started to Twitter a few weeks ago and simply love it.  You should check out their site and join in!

  • My friend Ron posted a great blog that is a cool follow-up to our recent sermon series on the Bible.  Read is post here.

  • I love reading Saddlebacks devotionals each day.  Today’s (9/10/08) was written by Rick Warren and is worth the read.  You can see it here.