Fall Festival

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

We held our annual Fall Festival last Friday night.  I created a video this morning to quickly show you a small part of what took place.  Here is why we do events like these:

*Free for the community and we are called by Jesus to love others - this is just one way to offer people an FREE option for the entire family.
*It gives our people a place to serve - we are called by Jesus to serve - to follow His example - if you don't serve you are missing it.
*It gives our people an opportunity to invite others who don't know Jesus or are far from God - if you aren't inviting, telling, and sharing you are missing it!
*It opens the door for people to love one another.
*It allows our church body to see the whole church in action.
*It's fun!  Now, let me just say - "fun" is not why we do event's - "fun" is a natural out flowing of serving, inviting, and loving others for Christ.  Jesus didn't come down to earth - live - and die on a cross so that we could simply have "fun" or be comfortable.  But, as we truly follow Him and live out His purposes on this earth - we find it's the most "fun" anyone can have.  There is joy, peace, fulfillment, life, forgiveness, love, and so much more in following Jesus.  We must stay focused on loving Him and loving others!